Return & Refund policy

Exchanges and returns that are ready to ship means we are currently processing and packing things for you. Orders will be processed Monday-Friday at 12:00 CST, subsequent orders will be processed the next business day. You will receive an email within 24 hours informing you that we have received your order, please confirm your order information. When your order ships, we will send another email with tracking information. In order to better serve customers, we will complete the order according to the confirmation email information and ship it within 1-3 working days. If the information is incomplete and cannot be shipped/out of stock, we will contact you to replace the product. If the product cannot be replaced within 5 days, we will remove the product or cancel the order and refund. If your order has not been shipped, you can cancel it from your account. Go to Orders, click on the order you want to cancel, and click the "Cancel this order" link. Shipping Your order has left our warehouse. If we have already processed your order, we may not be able to cancel it. We also accept returns within 30 days of purchase. Please ensure that the address information in your order is complete and correct, otherwise it will damage your interests. We will not compensate for any loss due to incomplete/incorrect/unaccepted addresses, etc. We'll let you know your order has arrived with a posted shipping email notification! Orders are delivered by 10pm 7 days a week. Returns Buy Online Shipping and Product Quality W0% will be refunded for shipping and product defective quality issues. You should contact the service department within 7 days of delivery. Return within 30 days of purchase Our return policy is simple and hassle-free: if you are 100% not satisfied and no questions asked, you can return it within 30 days of purchase. Request for return If you need to return or exchange the product, please contact the customer service email, provide the order number, return card and explain the reason. We will process your request within 2 business days If you would like to return anything you have purchased from us, we will happily refund the item. Refunds will only be issued if it is determined during the initial fitting that the product did not fit, functioned poorly and/or the product interfered with the patient's health or recovery. Visual inspection may be required. Brackets must be in resale condition to receive a refund. This means that the stand must be free from hair, scuffs, dirt and/or no alterations to the stand. If the packaging is damaged, a 20% reissue fee will be deducted from the refund for that product. After receiving the bracket, we will evaluate its condition and issue a refund. To return the product in its original packaging, you should send the product back to teaifeng center, please contact for the return address. Please note this is not a product quality issue or shipping damage. If a customer regrets a purchase and requests a refund, there will be no refund minus $8 shipping per order. Special circumstances If there are special circumstances, please email customer service, provide the order number, return card, and explain the reason for the return. Refunds may be made at our sole discretion without the need to return the product. We'll refund you up to 50% of the return value, and a non-refundable $8 shipping fee is included in the price. Days to Refund Refunds are usually processed by your card issuing bank within 5 business days of us initiating the refund